Travel Tours for Solo Travelers Under 35

For single professionals in their 30's and 40's, the quest to notice a travel buddy can be a bit of a deal breaker when it comes to making that dream travel experience happen. Fright not, single travellers, because we're on a rescue mission.

We're here to unite unmarried 30-40 something's like you and whisk you abroad on the adventure of a lifetime. We do this through *deep jiff* a GROUP Bout.

Only these are no ordinary group tours, far from information technology. Nosotros're not like other travel companies. We've lovingly filtered out ukulele-clutching students and relaxed retirees, they tin can stick to grimy hostels and coach tours. Instead, we've gone for expect gamble-packed itineraries with luxury hotels and unforgettable experiences.

And the best scrap?

That you go to share the adventure with truly like-minded single travellers in their 30s and 40s: the same life stage, same age group, and aforementioned desire to travel the globe.

For unmarried 30-40 something's, we believe this is the PERFECT time to run into new people and quench that thirst for wanderlust. Just cull your destination and nosotros'll gear up yous up with beau unmarried travellers ready to explore life off the beaten path.

Whether this leads to wedding bells nosotros can't guarantee, yet what we tin promise is a chance to encounter new friends and form unbreakable bonds. Cheesy it may sound, even so nosotros're talking real, genuine, permit's-move-in-together kind of friendships.

Here'due south the Flash Pack low down on how we do it:

Read more: ix ballsy experiences for travellers over thirty

Meet single travellers in their 30s and 40s

The majority of group tours out there tin be a flake of a (not so) lucky dip when it comes to who you're travelling with (our Co-founder Radha learnt this the difficult fashion).

Then, it may sound ruthless, but we're really strict about keeping our adventures solely for single travellers anile 30 and 40 something. In this age range, we find people want awesome adventure, withal with a tasty helping of luxury and comfort.

68% of our customers have never been on a group bout before, often considering they've had their career hat on and been busy being all responsible. Now, with a piffling more than money under their belt, the nagging feeling of missing out on seeing the world is besides strong to resist.

Only as their friends settle downward, have kids and head to Disneyland, trying to find people to travel with becomes increasingly difficult.

At this point, we'd like to wave a large banner in forepart of them saying 'come join a Flash Pack group tour with like-minded thirty-40 something'south!', but that might exist seem a fleck pushy (and involve some breaking and entering).

So instead we specifically target our marketing in the hope that chance-seeking optics will fall on our website (like yours, actually). This way nosotros ensure the correct sort of Flashpacker books on in the first place, then you tin can all share the experience without a dreadlocked gap-yah student in sight.

Read more: Being single makes you a brilliant traveller

Share brag-worthy experiences together

We've learnt along the mode one very elementary equation: like-minded travellers + epic experiences = the all-time of kind of friendships.

It seems that when a grouping of similarly aged people find themselves doing something new and exciting, this is the ultimate situation to meet new travel buddies.

There's something about plunging yourself out of your comfort zone together that connects you in a way you lot don't even experience with your oldest friends. Whether this is trekking to the colourful summit of Rainbow Mountain or bathing rescued elephants in Myanmar, these experiences create memories and friendships that final a lifetime.

Buddy upward with a roomie

On our adventures there's no single supplement, instead we match you up with agreeing roommates.

This may seem a bold move, notwithstanding nosotros believe this is a actually peachy way to become to know your fellow jetsetters. The rooms are all same sex, but we're non talking bunk beds and lights out at 9pm.

Our accommodation is a far weep from the hostels of your youth and those tourist-filled concatenation hotels. Whether yous're staying in a maverick treehouse or glamping in the jungle, you can't help simply bail with your roommate.

Trust united states of america, as a solo traveler, it's fashion more fun this fashion.

Read more than: What the hell is a single supplement?

Assemble for reunions

After all the hilarious and heart-warming memories you co-created with your fellow Flashpackers, we bet you'll be planning a reunion as soon as you lot land. Or in some cases, maybe even planning to move in together!

We go that making new friends in your 30s and 40s alongside a hectic career can be a rare occurrence, so we dear bringing together agreeing adventure seekers that remain friends for life.

Here's a lovely summarising quote to cease, from Flashpacker Amanda who travelled to Vietnam & Cambodia with u.s.a.:

"I truly believe that no-one volition empathize the essence of a Flash Pack adventure until you have been through information technology yourself. I wouldn't hesitate to practice another Flash Pack bout, not just considering of the amazing itineraries and destinations, merely because what's not to like about potentially making more than swell friends for life?'  …Read Amanda's full blog here!

Oman group adventure

So, if you're in the midst of trying to meet solo travellers in their 30s and 40s, we could politely propose you take a look at our pocket-size group risk tours , or we could say Look NO Further! Either way, it'due south over to you.

Ready to give information technology a get? Three nifty adventures to meet new people in their 30s and 40s:

Smash your comfort zone in Due south Africa

From pond with seals to saucepan list safaris, this is one for the animal lovers. It's as well one for the adrenalin junkies or only those of you wanting to plunge out of your condolement zone like never before – always abseiled a mountain?

Permit's do it

Climb the peaks of Peru

Put your heart right up inside your rima oris equally you climb over v,000 metres to the extraordinary summit of Rainbow Mount, have a night-time boat ride through the Amazonian jungle and see the tree-meridian wild fauna from hanging bridges. Mountain wheel the highlands of the Sacred Valley and march to Machu Picchu. So ease off with some pisco sours in Lima.

Tell me more

A sensory journey to Japan

Flash Pack Japan adventure

Take on sushi making after exploring the world's largest fish market, escape tourist crowds on a hidden neighbourhood cycling tour of East Tokyo and visit stunning Kyoto and the Slap-up Torii on Miyajima isle. You'll also have luncheon with a sumo wrestler and learnt the ancient fine art of ninja warfare, also equally taking in the colourful chaos of Japan'southward neon cities.

Where exercise I sign upwards?

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